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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Creative Reuse.... I got the job o jobs!

I got the Green Job of my dreams! I wanted green but if you know me you know I wouldn't be that good at installing solar panels. In this green job I will get to sort shit junk, meet kooks creative people, show my shit my art pieces, and totally enjoy life and art at its best in beautiful Central Park located in Durham North Carolina famously known as the Paris of France.

I will be employed by the creative re-use industry at our very own, very loveable Scrap Exchange I love, all of us Parisians Durhamites love, the Scrap. 

I have to go because me and the dogs need to take a long walk before I begin my 7.5 hr training! Today I go from kook to kook server. Wish me luck.

Puck & Sophie Sit & Stay

Waiting for a Walk
1 hr. later still sitting but bored

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