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Sunday, February 6, 2011

HappyMess's plot to denude you down to your blathering creative underbelly

Yesterday was a secret strategy meeting of undercover artists planning a way to make you one of us, without you specifically knowing it. I have been sworn to secrecy but ... well you see how far that gets you. The truth is, in this meeting we made a pact to lure you in here (Ousiders Gallery Thurs. 2/10 5:30-8) and  strip you of your outer crust of pomp, civility and seriousness. We want to denude you down to your blathering creative underbelly.

On a more personal note, being with artists yesterday embarrassed me into inspired me to finally dealing with the mocking piece of snotty knotty plywood I nailed to a door in my dining room professional studio about 3 months ago. It laughs at me continually. Today is the day that I earn the respect of that snotty knotty piece of plywood.

Okay. Tomorrow I bring the finished product to you here on the web. Promise.

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