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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Something to Crow About at Happymess & My Daughter and I as Men!

I would LOVE to make pictures with you! Tonight we hawk our classes at Outsiders Gallery's  new Happymess .

I get to teach two classes in March. One on Making Faces, which would be a great class to take as part of a pair: adult/child or date class and the other is Drawing Birds from Nature.

A little bird told me that you are harboring some great reserved creativity. This spring is the time for you to be free as a bird and let your inhibitions fly! Don't put all your eggs in one basket: we are going to begin by offering little sample classes. S0 kill two birds with one stone and sign up for a couple classes! You will be happy as a lark!

Oh and I believe that Happymess is going to start a drawing from life class where there will be models who are naked as a jay bird! Oh... I bet that would make you smug as the cat who ate the canary.

Your goose is NOT cooked: there is still time to register!

Oh... here is a special bonus for following my post:

Shanna (my daughter), Liz and I as men. And it was not Halloween. It was just a normal social gathering of  friends from  the Church of Latter Day Saints.

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