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Sunday, February 20, 2011


 I can't stop thinking about this banjo and I have other important things to do. Like today I had to take my regular walk on the Eno river. I have to start working on my wardrobe for when I vye for the Beaver Queen crown. I have to start work on the Sloth Float for the Mardi Gras parade. I  know Christine just wants to ride in the grocery cart with her pajamas on but I am a frickin artist! Does she not get that. Talk about sloth! Its just one stressful thing after another. Every day... you know sorting shit and waiting on kooks at the Scrap, making banjos out of hubcaps, and this blog. Sweating this blog every damn day. Plus there is the constant accordion playing with the Beauty Operators and the Skinks. I think I just need to grab a beer and watch Skates of Glory. It's Sunday afternoon right. Why not! ... Oh wait, I have to go to Martha's high tea. And I want to wear a wig and pearls and ... shit... you see what I mean!

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